1. Chairpersons of the Czech IGCP National Committee

Chairman: Jan PASAVA, Czech Geological Survey

Secretary: Jindrich HLADIL, Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences CR

Date of submission of Report: November 30th, 1998


2. Members of the Czech IGCP National Committee:

Karel BREITER; Miloslav DURIS; Olga HODANOVA; Stanislav OPLUSTIL, Vladimir SKOCEK, Vladimir SIBRAVA, Miroslav STEMPROK, Jaroslav TYRACEK.


3. Number and title of projects in which the Czech Republic has participated:


A/ Projects with project leaders from the Czech Republic:


Project #405 - Anthropogenic Impact on Weathering Processes

Project Leaders: P. Sulovsky and J. Zeman

Czech Representatives: P. Sulovsky and J. Zeman

Main effort of the Czech working group was focused on the preparation of an international workshop of the IGCP #405 which was held in Brno, Czech Republic between September 10-11, 1998 within the framework of the 15th Conference on Clay Mineralogy and Petrology of the Czech and Slovak Clay Group, with the two topics: "Dual role of clay minerals in weathering" and "Weathering of industrial wastes".

Activities of the Project participants were concentrated on the following two topics: (1) to formulate a unified concept of anthropogenic impact on weathering (definition and extent, nature and driving forces, consequences, identification and possible remedial procedures), (2) on preparation of IGCP #405 Final Memoirs publication: Weathering - Anthropogenic Impact on Weathering Processes. To fulfill both tasks there were formed two working groups within Project: (1) Group on FAW (Factors Accelerating Weathering): This group prepared panel discussion held in Brno (September 10-11, 1998) and formulated the main Factors Accelerating Weathering (FAW). There were formulated and defined various terms and processes. (2) Memoirs Group: The results of the FAW group serve as basis for work of IGCP #405 Final Memoirs publication group. Very intensive discussion among Project participants was continuing about structure of final publication. There were proposed responsible leaders for each chapter preparation. There is prepared IGCP Workshop and meeting of the British National Group of the IGCP405 Project, connected with the Winter Conference of the UK Mineralogical Society "Mineral and the Environment" (January 7-8,1999). The IGCP 405 workshop will be focused on the discussion on the crucial problems in anthropogenic weathering, and targeted on the preparation of the Final Memoirs of the IGCP 405 project. Following the preliminary discussion during the Brno workshop, organized by the Czech WG in September 98, a draft of the Final Memoirs content has been prepared and distributed among the future co-authors. Although the meeting will take place in the very beginning of 1999, it is in fact continuation of the action started in 1998 (Brno workshop and ensuing correspondence discussion).

Publications: Sulovsky P., Zeman J. (1998): ENVIWEATH 96 - Environmental Aspects of Weathering Processes. Proceedings of an international conference held on the occasion of the start of IGCP #405 Project. Masaryk University, Brno,1998. 250 pp. ISBN 80-210-1906-9./ IGCP #405: Anthropogenic Impact on Weathering Processes in 15th Conference on Clay Mineralogy and Petrology, Scripta Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Masaryk. Brun., Vol. 26. Masaryk University, Brno, 1998. 106 pp. ISBN 80-210-1886-0.


Project #429 - Organics in Major Environmental Issues

Project Leaders: J. Pasava and J. Jenik

Czech Representative: B. Kribek

1998 was the first year for the IGCP #429. The activity of a newly formed National Group of the IGCP 429 was concentrated on the formulation of goals which were discussed at the Inaugural Meeting of the Project, held from September 10-12, 1998 in Prague. After official opening of the IGCP 429 Inaugural Meeting, proposal for the IGCP 429 Management Structure and IGCP 429 - MAB initiative were presented, discussed and approved by the participants. It should be stressed that the IGCP 429 has became the first IGCP Project which is internationally coordinated by geoscientist (Dr. Jan Pasava - experienced leader of several IGCP Projects from the Czech Geological Survey in Prague) and biologist (Dr. Jan Jenik - MAB chairperson from the Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague). The main goal of this effort is to put together various groups of geoscientists and biologists in order to bridge gap between two major UNESCO Programs - IGCP and MAB and thereby serving our society more effectively. After that, six keynote lectures (each 20 min.), addressing major topics of the IGCP 429 and 23 talks were presented by scientists from 20 countries at very well attended (41 participants) two full day sessions. Results of the studies on the weathering rate of fossil organic matter in waste dumps of coal mines and the effect of oxidation products on soil properties of dumping ground were presented by Bohdan Kribek. The follow up discussions have resulted in the constitution of the eight topical working groups (WG1: Organic matter - metals interaction, WG 2: Microbial leaching in environmental clean up, WG 3: Weathering of organic matter, WG 4: Acid mine drainage, WG 5: Environmental models of black shale hosted mineral deposits, WG 6: Organic atmospheric particulates, WG 7: Organic matter in nuclear waste issues and WG 8: Organics in aquifers and water systems). Also, a schedule of annual major international meetings was set up.

The participants have agreed that the IGCP 429 will become together with the Czech Geological Survey and UNESCO/Paris one of the co-organizers of the GEOCHIM Postgraduate Course in Exploration and Environmental Geochemistry. Adding a "training component" and encouraging the involvement of more people especially from developing countries will be another very important aspect of IGCP 429 activities. This course will be held in Prague and Dolni Rozinka (Czech Republic) from September 7-20, 1999 and more information is available at GEOCHIM, Czech Geological Survey, Geologicka 6, 150 00 Praha 5 - Barrandov, Czech Republic, phone: +420-2-5817390, fax: +420-2-5818748, e/mails: < or>.

The meeting was followed by one day field trip to the North Bohemian Brown Coal Basin, co-organized by the North Bohemian Brown Coal Mining Joint Stock Company. It has been documented on several case studies that mining of lignite and remediation of waste heaps have to take into consideration such problems as generation of acid mine drainage as well as various agrochemical properties of newly forming substrates. A guide book was edited and published in the Czech Geological Survey (Godany, J. - Kribek, B., 1998, Excursion guide to the Inaugural Meeting of the IGCP 429. Czech Geological Survey Spec. Publ., 24 p.)

It has been agreed that the next annual IGCP 429 meeting will take place in London (1999) at the occasion of a joint SGA-IAGOD meeting.


Project #428 - Climate and Boreholes

Project Leaders: V. Cermak, H.N. Pollack and C. Clauser

Czech Representatives: V. Cermak

Year 1998 was the first year of the project which started in March 1998. Most of the activity focused on collecting corresponding temperature-depth records suitable for inversion into the ground surface temperature history as well as on the regular monitoring temperature variations in a few selected boreholes drilled for this purpose to study the mechanism of penetrating temperature signal to the underground and to understand the air-soil temperature coupling. The major effort in 1998 concerned on creating a representative group of specialists interested to conduct the corresponding studies in their respective countries. Basic ideas how to understand the scientific background of the problem and how to practically extract the climate signal recorded in the subsurface temperature field were disseminated and discussed. Registered teams and/or individuals are from Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italia, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Turkey, USA. The title of a proposed presentation for the AGU Fall Meeting is: Cermak, V., Safanda, J. and Bodri. L., "Borehole temperature, Global warming and land development". The fourth Russian annual conference on The Earth´s Thermal Field and Related Research Methods, Moscow, May 19-21, 1998 was chosen as an inaugural meeting of the project for 1998. The meeting was well attended by about 25 foreign participants from Europe and North America plus more than 80 from Russia and FSU. The material presented at the Conference at Moscow was published in the form of Extended abstracts in a special publication. All recepients of the IGCP support gave their written statement to prepare their contribution as a scientific paper to an international journal. It is expected to gather these material and publish it as a block in e.g. Global and Planetary Change journal with promised submission by the end of 1998.


B/ Projects with active working groups in the Czech Republic:


Project #369 - Comparative Evolution of Peritethyan Rift Basins

subproject: Magmatism and Rift-Basins Evolutions

Project Leaders: W. Cavazza, A. Robertson and P. Ziegler

Czech Correspondent: J. Ulrych

Activities of the Czech Working Group have successfully continued. Czech group, supported by the Academy of Science, Charles University and Czech Geological Survey, organized an important and very successful regional meeting of the subproject 2a. The conference "Magmatism and Rift Basin Evolution" was held at Liblice, September 7-11, 1998. 38 participants enjoyed sessions, workshops and excursions; 70 authors participated on 35 extended abstracts, which appeared in a special volume Ulrych, J., Cajz, V. & Adamovic, J.: Magmatism and Rift Basin Evolution, Excursion Guide and Abstracts, 97 pp., IG AS CR, 1998. Although the majority of participants was from European countries as Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Germany, Denmark, United Kingdom and Russia, the most distant representatives arrived from Argentina and Jordan. Scientific results of the Czech WG are summarized in the following text. Recent geochemical and petrological data show that the intraplate volcanism of Bohemian Massif is an integral part of the Cenozoic Central European Volcanic Province. The Late Cretaceous to Quaternary volcanism displays a characteristic bimodal distribution. Approximate volume and area extents of the preserved volcanic products have been calculated. A complex evaluation of retrieved and new data implies a new natural classification of volcanic events and associated volcanic products. It was documented, that the Ceske Stredohori Mts. is an erosion relicts of largest Cenozoic complex in the Bohemian Massif. This complex is situated in the Ohre (Eger) Rift and its intersection with Labe (Elbe) Zone. Volcanostratic model was successfully tested by K/Ar dating, and modelling on the base of 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio and contents of rare elements. The Lower Formation with basaltic lavas was strongly influenced by aquatic environment, accompanied by great amount of volcaniclastites, prevalently of hyaloclastite origin. Non volcanic insertion of siliciclastic and carbonate sediments, diatomites and coal are locally preserved, although the later peneplenization and deep weathering erased most of this mixed sedimentary sequences. Common are basanites or olivinic nephelinites, most of them are simply undifferentiated and uncontaminated mantle products. High contents of lherzolite xenoliths are accompanied by contents of incompatible elements Cr, Ni, Co and Sc. The Rb/Sr (0.028) and Th/U (3.8) ratios are also rather primitive. The Upper Formation consists of subaerial lavas with common aa-brecciation. Pyroclastic are abundant and relicts of volcanoes have been documented. Geological similarity to the volcanoes of Late Miocene age slightly contrasts with the K/Ar data about 24-25 Ma. The Rb/Sr (0.040) and Th/U (4.7) ratios are higher than calculated for the Lower Formation. Very young are Late Miocene basanite sills and dykes, which are piercing the Miocene basin fills near Most and Bilina (Ohre Rift). The Rb/Sr and Th/U ratios show a slight but well-marked decrease in values. The evolution and relationships of these European complexes in the Bohemian Massif, Vistulicum or other projections round Carpathians were discussed critically but with genial power on the base of analogy from the African or American forelands and cratons.


Project #373 - Correlation, Anatomy and Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution

of Ore-Bearing Felsic Igneous Systems in Eurasia

Project Leaders: R. Seltmann, R.I. Grauch and A. Kremenetsky

Czech Representative: K. Breiter

1998 was the second year for the IGCP 373. Results of systematic study of phosphorus-rich granitic paragenesis in the Bohemian Massif were presented at the international conference conference "Genetic significance of phosphorus in fractionated granites", organized by the Czech Working Group in Perslak, south Bohemia (September 21-24, 98). Two very well attended field trips - one pre-meeting (34 participants) and the second post-meeting (35 participants), were observing characteristic outcrops of Bohemian phosphorus-rich granites in the Bohemian Massif. The Czech group organized a very useful exchange of data and experience, which extended normal dimensions of regional meetings. One of the important results of this meeting was that beside the French Massif Central, the Bohemian Massif is now being considered the second very significant type area for these special types of granitic rocks. The conference attracted 45 prominent international specialists mainly from Australia, South Africa, United States of America, Portugal, France, Germany, Spain, Poland, Russia and Austria. Volume of extended abstracts edited by K. Breiter and V. Janousek was published as a special volume of the Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica, vol. 42 (1998), No.1, 199 pp. (40 contributions). Other Publications: Breiter K. (ed.1998), International conference "Genetic significance of phosphorus in fractionated granites", Perslak (Perslak) September 21-24, 1998, Excursion guide. 180 pp. Czech Geological Survey Praha.


Project #378 - Circumalpine Quaternary Correlations

Project Leader: C. Schluechter and N. Vidic

Czech Representative: J. Tyracek and P. Havlicek

The 1998 was the final year of the project and all partial pieces of knowledge have been summarized in the final charts and explanative chapters. Particularly, all significant index horizons, processes important for inter-regional correlations and correlations of different local stratigraphical schemes were defined and utilized for the solution of the correlation problems. The Czech contribution was based especially on the fluvial and loess sections from South Moravia. Because of late announcement and financial problems the Czech group was not able to participate in the Rhone meeting in October 1998.


Project #384 - Impact and Extraterrestrial Spherules

Project Leaders: C.H. Detre, A. Bevan, B.P. Glass, K. Jakabska, Z. Ouyang, E. Papp, A. Raukas and G. Udubasa

Czech Representative: R. Skala

Leadership of the Czech rather small working group was transferred, due to the retirement of Prof. V. Bouska from the Faculty of Sciences (Charles University), to Dr. Roman Skala from the Czech Geological Survey. Prof. V. Bouska reduced his activities in the project, and also two other participants - Drs. J. Krhovsky and V. Cilek reduced their capacities. Several abstracts about the studies in progress were submitted to several international conferences. Planned participation in the Tallin conference was not realized due to funding problems. Search for F-F late Devonian spherules in the Moravian Karst carried out by J. Krhovsky ended up with the negative results. V. Bouska has found that moldavite-bearing Tertiary sediments have no spherules with exception for industrial pollution and possible volcanic spherules. It has been also documented by Bouska and Skala that many Carboniferous spherules are of volcanic rather than extraterrestrial origin.


Project #386 - Response of the Ocean/Atmosphere System to Past Global Changes

Project Leaders: H. Geldsetzer (+), D.M. Banerjee, L.R. Kump, Z. Sawlowicz and H. Strauss

Czech Representatives: J. Hladikova and J. Hladil

The activities of the Czech working group have successfully continued and the group has mostly concentrated on the time windows from Silurian-Devonian to Devonian-Carboniferous. This concentration is given by national projects, experience of invesigators and accessibility of the material, which, in some aspects, belongs to the best in the world. The significance of the global and local influences on isotope composition of sedimentary carbonates has been compared using the data from Devonian of Moravia. A strong anomaly in d13C values (up to +5.5 per mil), has been documented at the transition between the proximal and distal forereef in the Pa. transition zone of the Early Frasnian, just before the maximum sea-level rise. This unusual positive excursion of the d13C values does not correspond to any known global-event anomalies. The existence of this anomaly on the slope of the Moravian Karst is tentatively explained by a local 3rd-category upwelling, a result of the diversion of the deeper contour and shallower wind-driven currents away from the shore. This anomaly corroborates the hypothesis of a strong facies control of the 13C content in carbonates.

Basic trends of the C and O isotope distribution in the Devonian platform cycles were characterized in other study. The C and O isotope contents in carbonate were evaluated in a pilot section through the 20-Ma carbonate sequence of the Moravian Karst. In terms of formal stratigraphy, the sequence belongs mostly to the Macocha Fm. (Eifelian to Famennian), with a maximum of the sediment aggradation on the carbonate platform during the Givetian and Frasnian. Amphipora wackestone, algal lime-mudstone and floatstone rock types prevail. The values of d13C and d18O of the section fluctuate in convergent/divergent way, so that a typical "mushroom" shape of curves characterizes the individual parasequences as well as minor cycles.A positive shift in d13C values of the upper part of the each cycle coincides with the negative shift in d18O values. We explain this feature by generally increased but even rising activity of algae and bacteria (more 13C in carbonate). The consistently decreased content of 18O could be ascribed to water of meteoritic origin as well as warm water on the platform (35-45oC, to values of d18O per mil. PDB). The stronger depletion in 18O corresponds to repetitive diagenetical changes of the carbonate, as documented in lithology of the basal parts of the sequence (emergence and erosion of the banks between the paraseq. I and II) . The most generalized trends in isotope values rise almost through the entire sequence, with a depression only in its uppermost part. Mean C and O isotopic values of the Moravian Karst, roughly d13C +2 per mil PDB and d18O -6 per mil. PDB, differ from the so-called "normal" values of d13C and d18O of the Devonian marine carbonate. This globally estimated, average values are approximately d13C +1 per mil. PDB and d18O -2 per mil. PDB. New isotopic and geochemical characteristics of the Devonian (Barrandian) stage boundaries have been published, particularly the carbon and oxygen isotope composition of limestones, clayey limestones and shales from Pridoli to Givetian. No substantial isotopic shifts were found at the Pragian/Emsian and Emsian/Eifelian boundaries. A gradual shift in d13C values from -2.6 to 3.6 per mil. was observed in Pridoli and Lochkovian limestones. This shift is inferred to have been connected with a combination of higher productivity, increased deposition of organic matter and shallowing of the basin. The global Kacak - otomari event just below Eifelian/Givetian boundary is marked by an abrupt change in carbon isotopic values from about 1 to 3 per mil. in more pelagic carbonates. No d13C shift was found in shallow water carbonates at the Eifelian / Givetian boundary. High d18O values up to -1.3 per mil. in Pragian, Emsian and early Eifelian limestones indicate that the Barrandian basin was relatively isolated from the world ocean during those intervals. Lower d18O values up to -7.5 per mil. in late Eifelian limestones may indicate the end of isolation. A new state grant project <GA CR No. 205/98/0454 "Evolution of the Devonian Sedimentary Environments in Barrandian Basins Using Isotopic Compositions of Carbon, Oxygen and Strontium in Brachiopod Shells", 1998-1999, J. Hladil - J. Hladikova - J. Fryda - A. Galle - V. Janousek - A. Langrova> will complete these results on the basis of calcite composition in brachiopod shells.


Project # 410 - The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Events

Project Leaders: B.D. Webby, M.L. Droser and F. Paris

Czech Representative O. Fatka

The Czech working group consists of twelve scientists and is coordinated by Dr. O. Fatka, leading persons in international research on revised taxonomy of acritarchs. The group, namely O. Fatka & P. Kraft, co-organized The International Geological Conference on the "Pre-Variscan Terrain Analysis of Gondwanan Europe", Dresden, April 28 - May 4, 1998. Large group of specialists in paleontology, paleogeography, petrology and tectonics evaluated the history of newly defined peri-Gondwanan segments of lithospere. Great emphasis was put on the evolution and distribution of acritarchs, climatic belts and paths of drifting plates. Field works were focused to Lusatian, Thuringian and Barrandian areas, comparing the Late Proterozoic to Devonian basins, with special emphasis on the Ordovician strata. The Czech working group and namely O. Fatka, P. Kraft, J. Zuskova & P. Budil, prepares a very large international symposium "Eight International Symposium on the Ordovician System", which will be held from June 21-25 1999 in Prague. This symposium will attract people working in stratigraphy of this system (Subcommission) and experts participating in the Project 410. A special workshop will cover problems of the biodiversification.


Project #421 - North Gondwanan Mid-Palaeozoic Biodynamics

Project Leader: R. Feist and J.A. Talent

Czech Representative: J. Hladil and J. Kriz

The biodynamics is closely related to problems of paleogeography and so our interests extended up to tectonics, petrology and geochemistry. Czech group is oriented to solving of complex and environmentally based tasks (interactions of biota and environment), with pieces of advanced or completely new mathematical tools (compare the results in the Projects 216 and 335). From this reason, the indications of possible magmatic-arc / back-arc tectonic setting in the northern part of the Bohemian Massif during early Paleozoic has been recently studied, because we need a reasonable ideas about the formation of the Earth for the studies on the biodynamics. Resulted data belong to new and significant achievements of the project. Basin-analytic and geochemical data enable realization of the mid-Paleozoic paleogeography. Our contribution (J. Hladil & F. Patocka) dealt with the magmatic-arc / back-arc tectonic settings in the northern part of the Bohemian Massif. The Early Paleozoic evolution was governed by two major extensional processes (Ordovician to mid-Devonian, and Devonian, Emsian to Famennian). In terms of paleogeographic reconstruction, the mid-Devonian closing of the Early Paleozoic back-arc and collision of some terraines started the opening of the Rhenish rift-related extensional basins. The obliteration of the magmatic-arc massifs is explained by detachment, dismembering, and isostatic uplift of these light terrain segments during the Late Carboniferous collision of Gondwana and Laurussia; island-arc massifs were mostly erased by deep exhumation of the orogene. Basin analysis and geochemistry of the (meta) volcanic material provided first evidence of these missing arcs. The magmatic-arc neighboring associations of sediments were discerned in the late Early Devonian basin fills (Vrbno, Rymarov, partly Tisnov, Branna, Velke Vrbno).The Early Devonian greenschists of the Vrbno Group provide an evidence for tholeiitic volcanic-arc basalts and low-K calc-alkaline andesites; the associated felsic metavolcanics were calc-alkaline dacites and rhyolites. The geochemical features of late Early Devonian quartzites (Jeseniky and Strzelin) largely indicate intermediate and acid volcanic-arc rocks in the source area; the peneplenized source area could provide them only if eroded segments of Early Devonian arcs were still present. A complex concept has been emphasized for the proper tasks in biodynamics, as the evolutionary variables were correlated with paleoenvironmental characteristics and dispersal of marine larval stages of fauna has been compared with spreading of continental plants. The Emsian-Eifelian fauna and flora of Barrandian and adjacent areas have been studied in detail. The marine fauna indicates warm tropical surface current(s), which continued in southwestern direction to thirties or forties latitudes of the South. Deeper, cold current of opposite direction probably accompanied this surface current. Emsian displays large number of circulating domains, some of them continued during the Eifelian. Returned (east-directed) branch of the surface currents is possible for peri-Gondwanan seas. During the Dalejan the pattern of currents would be diffusive, during the Eifelian the warm current leant more against the SLM. The Emsian-Eifelian NGM-SLM passages were not extremely large (1500 km in total, each of them few hundred of kilometers) but they were separated by longitudinal and chaotically placed barriers. Dispersal of spores documents narrow passages in NGM-SLM section of the E-E times. Close similarity among Arctic Canada, Belarussia, Ukraine and European part of Russia separates this tropical line as a possible NLM migration belt. Links among Eastern Canada, Southeastern USA and Western Europe (Ardenne-Rhenish area) involve the Barrandian area of E-E times. Although Ibarmaghian marine faunas reaching the Barrandian differed from the SLMs (sea currents channeled by barriers of archipelagos), the spores were almost identical. It implies a difference between directions of channeled currents and winds. Hypothetical southeasterly moving storms are suggested as a possible mechanism responsible for the spore (floral) linking of the Barrandian. Occurrence of Ibarmaghian corals (Taouzia, Kerforneidictyum, Pterodictyum, etc.) in the Barrandian contrasts with dense populations of the plant spores, which are related to Rhenish Massif, Belgium, Ontario and Georgia. It is concluded that a real land barrier was emerged close to the E-E Barrandian. Geological identity of this barrier is unknown; it may correspond to Barrandian / Saxothurigian boundary, or to pre-rotation stage of the Moldanubian barrier. The Czech group also participated by two members in large international study on glaci-eustatically driven sea level changes during the Late Devonian (U.S.A. - Czech Republic - P.R. China). This study has been developed and finalized under the auspices of the IGCP Project 421.


4. IGCP meetings held in the Czech Republic in 1998


Project #369 - "Magmatism and Rift Basins Evolution" - Annual International Meeting with the Czech WG Meeting - Liblice Chateau, September 7-11, 1998. With 38 participants from 11 countries.

Project #373 - "Genetic significance of phosphorus in fractionated granites" - Perslak, south Bohemia, September 21-24, 1998. With 55 participants from about 11 countries. Pre-conference field trip - September 19-21, 1998 (35 participants). Post-conference field trip - September 25-26,1998 (34 participants).

Project #405 - "Anthropogenic Impacts of Weathering Processes" - Workshop in Brno, September 10-11,1998 - adjoined to the 15th Conference on Clay Mineralogy and Petrology of the Czech and Slovak Clay Group, (Brno, September 6-9,1998): The workshop themes: "Dual role of clay minerals in weathering" and "Weathering of industrial wastes". Attended by 40 participants from 11 countries.

Project #410 -"Pre-Variscan Terrain Analysis of Gondwanan Europe", O. Fatka & P. Kraft, co-organized this International Geological Conference in Dresden, Germany, April 28 - May 4, 1998.

Project #429 -"Organics in Major Environmental Issues" - Inaugural Meeting of IGCP 429( Prague, September 10-12, 1998). Post-meeting field trip to North Bohemian Coal Basin. Book of Proceedings is under preparation. Excursion Guide was edited by Godany and Kribek (1998) . For 41 participants from 21 countries.


5.IGCP meetings planned for 1999

Project #410 -Eight International Symposium on the Ordovician System - Prague, June 21-25, 1999, organized by the Czech IGCP 410 WG.

Project #429 - IGCP 429 National WG Meeting within the framework of the GEOCHIM - UNESCO Postgraduate Course Prague and Dolni Rozinka, September 7-20,1999


6.Other relevant information

Czech IGCP National Committee has already started preparation of the Regional Scientific Meeting of IGCP Representatives of European and neighboring countries which should be held from June 7-9, 1999 in Prague, Czech Republic.

Two new IGCP Projects - 428 "Climate and Boreholes" and 429 "Organics in Major Environmental Issues" are coordinated from the Czech Republic. It should be stressed that the IGCP 429 has became the first IGCP Project which is internationally coordinated by geoscientist (Dr. Jan Pasava - experienced leader of several IGCP Projects from the Czech Geological Survey in Prague) and biologist (Dr. Jan Jenik - MAB chairperson from the Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague). The main goal of this effort is to put together various groups of geoscientists and biologists in order to bridge gap between two major UNESCO Programs - IGCP and MAB and thereby serving our society more effectively.

In order to promote IGCP activities in the Czech Republic we have also continues in seeking funds for IGCP National Committee special foundation established in 1996. Generous donations and direct sponsorship to some of IGCP meetings organized in the Czech Republic came from the following organizations: North Bohemian Brown Coal Mining Joint Stock Company (SD a.s., Chomutov), Ostrava-Karvina Coal Mining Joint Stock Company (OKD a.s., Ostrava), and IKEM Praha. We do highly appreciate their concern.